目前分類:擴增實境 Augmented Reality (14)

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當我們這些對擴增實境開發有興趣的孩子正苦惱 Unifeye SDK 是如何的貴,NyARToolKit 的 Marker 過於死板、程式不易改寫之時,QualComm 這家主要智慧型手機 chip provider 已悄悄地在去年十月左右公布一個完全免費的 AR SDK,名為 QualComm AR SDK (QCAR)。

此 SDK 支援 Mac/PC/Linux 跨平台的開發環境,但手機平台目前似乎只支援在 Android 2.1 以上,對硬體應該也有一定的要求。目前開放使用的硬體並不多如下表:

Vendor Model OS
Google Nexus One Android 2.1 update 1, Android 2.2
HTC Desire Android 2.1 update 1, Android 2.2
HTC Incredible Android 2.1 update 1, Android 2.2
HTC EVO 4G Android 2.1 update 1, Android 2.2
HTC G2 (T-Mobile) / Desire Z Android 2.2
HTC Desire HD Android 2.2
HTC T-Mobile MyTouch 4G Android 2.2
Dell Streak Android 2.2
Motorola Droid 2 Android 2.2
Motorola Droid X Android 2.2
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Android 2.1 update 1
Other Snapdragon devices N/A Android 2.1 update 1, Android 2.2

(from QualComm AR SDK website


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QR Code為一廣泛使用之二維條碼並擁有高容量等優勢,因此若將其結合擴增實境技術必能應用至許多層面。在本研究中,我們結合了QR Code與擴增實境兩樣技術,除了開發以QR Code為擴增實境標記的追蹤與辨識技術外,也透過國內外研究的分析,設計一個多用途的擴增實境架構。本架構不僅限於單一QR Code的使用,尚考量到多重QR Code的擴增實境應用。當使用者以行動裝置拍攝數個QR Code時,系統可以正確解析主要顯示用的QR Code之內容,並下載後視覺化呈現虛擬物件。其他的QR Code能個別顯示次要的內容,並整合至主要顯示物件。除此之外,QR Code亦可作控制之用,例如可用來操控虛擬物件的大小、顏色或是材質貼圖等。本多用途擴增實境架構另一個主要目的是希望讓不同內容提供者藉由本架構能互相整合各自的數位內容,而不需彼此間技術上之磨合。此舉能讓內容提供者只需專注於內容的設計不需擔心技術問題,進而開發出更多有趣的應用。

The field of Augmented Reality (AR) has grown and progressed remarkably in recent years and many useful AR applications have been developed focusing on different areas such as game, education and advertisement. However, most of these AR systems are designed for closed applications with particular markers, limited number of users and restricted digital contents. Hence, they are inappropriate for public environment with diverse digital contents. 
In this work we aim at developing a comprehensive framework that can integrate 3D contents from different providers into an AR demonstration. The main purpose of this framework is that we want to separate content providers from sophisticated AR technology so that they only need focusing on content creation and getting rid of the technology issues of setting up an AR system. We expect that with this system different contents can be integrated seamlessly in the AR system even the content providers do not know what the other contents to be integrated are. To achieve this goal, all the control information required for AR joint demonstration must be defined and embedded in the marker. In our system, we use a universal 2D barcode, the QR Code, as our AR marker as its information capacity is sufficient large to afford our application and is widely used in many countries. Besides, QR Code has many advantages that familiar AR marker do not have for public applications. Thus, based on this framework many useful and interesting AR applications can be developed in the areas of commerce, industry and many others.

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有幸參與到今年在中研院舉辦的年度盛事"COSCUP/GNOME.Asia",小弟在FLOSS & Digital Art (3rd Conf. Room)中分享了一些些關於擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)於數位藝術、都市規畫、遊戲等方面的應用,當然也介紹自己在研究所期間的研究成果。大致上來說,由於非常趕(8/9-13在DIWO)說實在的自己並沒有充分準備,另一方面我們的研究貢獻也非三言兩語可解釋清楚,所以覺得有那麼一絲絲的可惜。不過,在分享結束後,有機會與一些同好交流算是一件挺有趣的事情!然而這次因時間太趕,光介紹AR原理、應用與自己的研究(XD)時間就差不多了,因此沒辦法詳細介紹如何拿開源的ARToolKit建置一個AR專案,不過也在這次分享感受到與同好交流的美好經驗,若有機會希望能以工作坊的方式分享建置專案與開發的經驗 :-)



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BART partners with junaio to visualize transit data through augmented reality
screenshots of the BART channel on junaio
Screenshots of the BART channel on junaio

A new augmented reality application – junaio – is the latest example of the innovative products and services utilizing BART’s API (application programming interface) to help transit riders navigate and stay on top of train schedules.

BART and junaio have partnered to integrate transit data, such as station locations and estimated arrival times, into a BART channel on the junaio 2.0 augmented reality platform being launched at the South by Southwest Interactive Conference in Austin, Texas, this week.

With mobile augmented reality technology, users can see digital content such as text or graphics overlaid on real objects on their mobile phones. Junaio lets users tag photos, audio and text in the real world and leave digital "crumbs" behind at particular locations for others to explore. For example, a rider coming out of the Montgomery BART Station in San Francisco could see recommendations left by friends for restaurants or shops to try that are nearby that station. Or, simply by pointing the camera on her phone, a user could find the direction of the nearest BART station and get a list of estimated arrivals for the next several trains to her destination.

Junaio is currently available free for iPhone 3GS and through a web interface, with a version for Android in development.

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Copyright of photography belongs metaio., http://www.metaio.com

德國擴增實境解決方案 metaio 公司繼 Unifeye 與 Junaio 之後,又一力作 Unifeye Mobile SDK,該套件可讓 Publishers, Users, Researchers 於行動裝置上發展許多實用又有趣的擴增實境應用程式。德國人做事向來不打馬虎眼,這套 SDK 對於擴增實境於行動裝置上的發展,可斷言會是一個新的 Milestone (這個字最近很夯,借用一下 XD),該套件有諸多優點,以下簡列:

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本篇討論任何 ARToolKit AR SDK 可應用或可延伸至其他平台之可能性,預先安插個位置,回國後補完。歡迎大家也能一起討論可與個人電腦(PC)或行動裝置(Mobile device/PDA)結合的 AR SDK,免費或付費都行。



(1)       ARToolKitARToolKit是由日本加藤博一 (Hirokazu Kato)先生及華盛頓大學HITLab 1999年所共同開發的一套以C/C++為開發語言的跨平台擴增實境函式庫。此函式庫可即時從輸入裝置(如攝影機)所輸入的影像中追蹤標記,並算出相機至實體標記之距離、位置及方向,最後再將虛擬三維物件繪於現實的標記上方。

(2)       ARTagARTag是加拿大Mark Fiala受到 ARToolKit之啟發於2004年提出。ARTag強調更複雜且更具效率的圖形處理及影像辨識能力,其中最大特點在於ARTag具有自我檢查更正的能力,可於標記被污損或遮住部份的情況下還能正確辨識 ARTag的唯一遺憾在於其使用一種強韌的數位編碼技術(Digital Encoding Method)辨識標記,所以使用者僅能使用內建的標記(1001個以索引編號為基礎之標記)供系統追蹤辨識用。

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VRML(Virtual Reality Modeling Language, 於西元1995年前被視為 Virtual Reality Markup Language) 為一種三維圖像(3-Dimensional Graphic) 的標準檔案格式,以標記語言(Markup Language) 的形式來紀錄向量圖形 (vetor graphics) 中多邊形 (plygons) 的頂點 (vetices) 及邊線 (edges)。所以若直接用文字編輯器開啟 VRML 檔案 (一般而言,檔案類型為 .wrl,一些經過 gzip 壓縮過的檔案類型是 .wrz) 看到的會是類似於結構語言,如下:


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圖1. DK01.CC 貼圖的 FLARToolKit 實作 XD (點擊上圖可下載操作影片)



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本篇介紹香港科藝家 Bryan Chung 自製的 Library in Processing: simpleARToolKit,一套基於 jARToolKit 衍伸出來可在 Processing 中直接編寫擴增實境 (Augmented Reality) 應用程式的函式庫 (Library)。

而這個 jARToolKit 正是由前篇介紹的 ARToolKit 衍伸出來,也屬 Open Source 的軟體。

jARToolKit 是改以 Java 為開發環境,並支援 Java3D 來繪製三維圖形。在 Processing 中將 jARToolKit 的 jar 及 dll 置入資源庫資料夾中 (由於 Processing 本身脫離不了 Java),即可呼叫使用。

PS. 看到 dll,令人想到原本 ARToolKit 的 Cross-Platform 就此消失?(若需 Cross-Platform 又要使用 Java,可找找 NyARToolkit,甚至可再轉至 Flash AS3 上使用:: FLARToolKit)

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        ARToolKit 是一個 C/C++ 語言編寫的函式庫,透過此函式庫可以讓我們輕鬆的編寫擴增實境應用程式。擴增實境 (Augmented Reality) 是將電腦虛擬的影像覆蓋到真實世界畫面中,這個技術在工業、教育、藝術方面都存在著極大的前景。

        對於開發一個 AR 程式來說,最困難的部分在於即時 (real-time) 的將虛擬影像覆蓋到使用者的視覺,並且和真實世界中的物件精確對齊。ARToolKit 以電腦圖學計算相機 (Camera) 和標記 (Marker) 之間的相對位置,使開發者能夠將他們的虛擬物件依據標記在真實環境上的相關資訊覆蓋到真實環境中。ARToolKit 提供快速和準確的標記追蹤 (Marker Tracing),能使開發者快速的開發出許多有趣的 AR 程式。




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一個基於 metaio Unifeye SDK 以 C#.Net 2003 完成的 AR(Augmented Reality擴增實境) Application.

歐買尬,花了一天半的"工作天"的成果 XD

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